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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Fusion Garage Grid 10 tablet and Grid 4 smartphone hands-on ...
Yesterday we gave you the lowdown on Fusion Garage's second foray into tablet computing, the Grid 10. While its tablet world topping pixel density,

10 Suckiest Fake Video Games That People Play In Science Fiction
Science fiction is all about advancing into a shinier future - so why are people always playing such terrible video games in science fiction shows and movies?

The 10 Most Expensive Google Acquisitions
In the wake of its Motorola Mobility purchase, discover Google's top ten priciest acquisitions thus far.

10 Creative Graphic Designers | UnderWorld Magazines
With millions of designers out there, it makes graphic design a really hard job to have. I feel it take great skill to be a good designer and sometimes you have to step outside the dotted line to get your foot in the door.

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